Join the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA)


I sincerely recommend, that anyone owning, raising, or wishing to own or raise one or more rabbits, whether for pet, wool, meat, show, or any other reason, join the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA). Your membership will supply you with much more information (accurate information), than can be obtained anywhere else. With membership, you will receive a high quality magazine every other month, a Guide Book with up-to-date information on all aspects of domestic rabbits, a membership card entitling you to ARBA benefits, and a Year Book listing all the ARBA officers, committees, clubs, and members. Check out the ARBA Home Page! There you will find a membership application, listing and contact information of officers, directors and committees, breed photos, club info., show dates and info. including Conventions, youth activities, and articles.

And when joining, please say you were referred by me, Candy Haenszel. Thanks!

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